Do you lose calls
when load is high?

Reduce wait times, streamline call handling, and improve customer satisfaction with efficient call routing.
iPhone mockup

Don't let customers go with perfect mobile call routing

Efficiently route incoming calls to the right team or department for prompt handling.
Linear Distribution
Random Distribution
Smart Distribution (rout call according CRM settings)
Operators can make calls from anywhere in the country, without being tied to the office.

Simple navigation in the personal account, and we easily set up CRM integration in just a few clicks. Operators can make calls from anywhere in the country, without being tied to the office. To save operators' time on manual dialing, we installed an application that allows us to make calls with just a click.

Marketing Specialist at Creator Inc
How it works

Set Up Your Call Routing
in few steps

Subscribe your team phones to SipSim

Port your current mobile number to SipSim network, order SIM cards to your office or download eSIM for quick start.

Set "Corporate" number

Chose a number that will recieve all incomming calls to your company. This number will balance all the traffic according to the logic you will set up the next step.

Create groups

Join your teammates in groups according to their role, jop positions, specialisation or geo. Chose rules to deliver calls among each group.

Set business hours

Set work time for each group or user and set different call flow based on call time.

Set short numbers

Each user will have a short number to easy access collegues and transfer incomming calls to them. Easyly share and edit short numbers for users and groups with powerful built-in functionality.

Route calls to free speciallists

SipSim will keep control who is free to receive a call at the moment and will distribute it in a way to reduce wait time for clients

Transfer call to collegues

Once you answer the call, you can use your teammate short number to transfer call to a speciallist that can help

Send call directly to personal manager

Every time your clients calling, SipSim can connect to your CRM to find dedicated speciallist who will reciec this call first

Manage busines hours and custom logic

Set different working hours to different phone groups and set "if not answer logic"


Get the Most Out Of your Tools

Connect your CRM and transfer call data.
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Set perfect call routing today!

Join over 1500+ users already growing with SipSim.


Everything you need to know about the product and billing. Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please chat to our team.
How to enable call routing?
All that needs to be connected to the SIPSIM system are the phone numbers between which routing should be performed. Further, all settings can be made in your personal account online.
What are the types of call routing?
Calls to specialists can be distributed sequentially one after another along a single route, evenly arriving at each specialist or according to a "smart" distribution scheme. You can set the settings that suit your business.
What is call routing?
By taking calls from one specialist, you miss out on sales and customers who call you during a call. Call routing will save all calls and send them to free specialists. Rest assured that all calls are promptly routed to the right people.
Can I change my settings later?
Of course, all settings are managed through your personal online account and can be changed at any time. The simple and intuitive interface makes it easy to do so quickly and without the need for additional specialists.
What do I need to connect SIPSIM?
Just register on the site, connect the required number of phone numbers, or transfer your SIM card to the SIPSIM network in a few clicks.
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Make more sales.
with immediate
call routing.

Start your 30-day free trial today.
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Turn on

a personal mobile network

for your business

Consolidate your current mobiles, order new SIM cards when your team grows or connect eSim to existing devices.